
Buon natale at Palazzo Margherita

11.08.2015 | von Palazzo Margherita

Palazzo Margherita

11.08.2015, Enjoy Christmas in an idyllic setting at Francis Ford Coppola’s Palazzo Margherita with the festive Italian traditions of family, faith, love, peace and of course, wonderful food!

Set in a beautiful unspoilt and undiscovered area of the country, in the charming town of Bernalda where Francis Ford Coppola’s grandfather was born, the authentic 19th century palazzo has nine rooms and suites. Completely renovated in partnership with acclaimed French designer Jacques Grange it offers a luxurious yet authentic experience where guests can enjoy palatial comfort just steps from an exciting town.

Every break at the Palazzo involves the finest Italian cuisine, and the Christmas Package will begin with hot chocolate and a variety of handmade cookies and pastries on arrival. Continue your culinary adventure with a cooking lesson in the warmth of the dine-in kitchen where guests will learn ancient Christmas recipes, both main courses and desserts, as well as the stories behind them. All in preparation for an unforgettable, traditional Christmas Eve dinner in the beautiful salon, accompanied with selected local wines. For a truly magical Christmas Eve, guests have the option to follow dinner with Midnight Mass in a historic local church.

Immerse yourself in the local culture and take a trip to the unforgettable living Nativity scene in the historic centre of Matera, where the “Sassi” (ancient caves) shine in a magic atmosphere with tableaus representing the scene of Christ’s birth displayed in various caves across the town.

Discover the unique features that make the Sassi of Matera a renowned historic centre, with the biggest natural Christmas manger in the world. Walking through narrow streets, stairways, and tiny squares with your own tour guide, you have the feeling of being suspended in time in a remote place that has enchanted many travellers and film directors alike, Matera being a fitting setting for authentic biblical scenes, makes the perfect surrounding for an idyllic Christmas.

Other festive entertainment included in the Festive Package includes one of the most entertaining Christmas time customs in Southern Italy: the family game of “tombolata” a Southern Italian tradition, classic Italian movie screening in the Salon and Christmas aperitivo.

Buon Natale!


Day 1 – December 23rd, 2015

Arrival at the Palazzo Cooking lesson in the warmth of the dine-in kitchen, where you will learn how to prepare some of our traditional Christmas recipes Welcome dinner Classic Italian movie screening in our Salon Day 2 – December 24th, 2015

Breakfast Tour of the Crypt of the Original Sin near Matera. Known as the “Sistine Chapel” of Rupestrian wall paintings, this cycle of frescoes, dating back to the 9th century A.D, depicts scenes from the Old and the New Testament Tour of Matera and its Sassi, including visiting the Musma (one of the most interesting European Contemporary Art Museums), the Palazzo Lanfranchi (National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art of Basilicata), Casa Cava (a unique auditorium), Casa Ortega (a unique Arts & Crafts school in the original home of the Spanish exiled painter) and a number of rock Rupestrian churches Lunch in Matera in a typical trattoria, sampling traditional local food At the Palazzo, a traditional Christmas Eve dinner, including selected local wines, in our beautiful Salon Midnight mass in one of Bernalda's historic churches, to experience a truly authentic Southern Italian Christmas Day 3 – December 25th, 2015

Breakfast Tour of the historical center of Bernalda, exploring the ancient streets and churches Christmas aperitivo in our cozy Family Bar Traditional “Pranzo di Natale” (Christmas lunch) Participation with the staff in one of the most entertaining Christmas customs of Southern Italy: the family game of “tombolata” and other card and board games Dinner with “giropizza” in our Family Kitchen. With the “giropizza,” a typical Italian custom, the entire group of guests is given a series of pizzas of various kinds, allowing each participant to taste different specialities Day 4 – December 26th, 2015

Breakfast Tour of Lecce, the renowned Baroque architectural city known as “The Florence of the South,” with its many churches and beautiful squares, including the stunning Piazza del Duomo. it's also possible to visit an ancient Roman Amphitheatre built in the 2nd century, situated near Sant'Oronzo Square Lunch in a traditional Lecce restaurant Return to Palazzo Margherita Chocolate Story and Taste: The history of chocolate through its tastes and savoring scents Dinner at the Palazzo Day 5 – December 27th, 2015

Breakfast Check out Rates from 1790 Euros per person (B&B and entire Christmas package as above included), based on double occupancy. Additional beds may be priced upon request.

Francis Ford Coppola Resorts comprises five highly unique properties, which draw inspiration from Francis Ford Coppola’s film career and travels across the globe. Each resort combines adventure, serenity and a dramatic backdrop, while at the same time providing guests with first-class service and eco- friendly exploration, making them the perfect place to discover the natural wonders of the world.


--- ENDE Pressemitteilung Buon natale at Palazzo Margherita ---

Über Palazzo Margherita:
Palazzo Margherita, built in 1892 in Bernalda by the Margherita family, is a true 19th century palazzo. The town was the birthplace and home to Agostino Coppola, Francis Ford Coppola's grandfather, who always referred to it affectionately as "Bernalda bella." Francis purchased the Palazzo in 2004 with the desire to transform it into a small, luxurious Italy boutique hotel, believing it was time to introduce visitors to this stunning and still undiscovered region.

The surrounding countryside, which was settled by the Greeks before the Roman era, is part of the Hellenic Magna Graecia—the coastal areas of Southern Italy—where the thriving local agriculture produces sumptuous fruits and vegetables, as well as the Aglianico grapes used to make wines of the same name. Nestled between the ancient cities of Metapontum and Matera, the area is rich with history, including haunting primordial cave dwellings called Sassi di Matera (meaning "stones of Matera"), a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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