SGS akquiriert Chemisches Laboratorium Dr. Merten

19.12.2007 | von SGS SA


19.12.2007, SGS is pleased to announce the acquisition of Chemisches Laboratorrium Dr. Merten GmbH, based in Freiburg in Breisgau, Germany

Founded in 1960, Lab Merten specializes in food and beverage testing, analysis and support to customers in the retail market and supply chain. Lab Merten currently employs 37 employees. This year's revenue is expected to exceed Euro 3.5 million.

In addition to new product testing opportunities and customers, SGS now has a strong leadership team and food lab facility in Southern Germany from which to grow its food and consumer product business.

--- ENDE Pressemitteilung SGS akquiriert Chemisches Laboratorium Dr. Merten ---

Über SGS SA:
SGS Branch Switzerland is a member of the SGS Group, the world's largest Control and Inspection Company, represented in more than 130 countries by 210 affiliated companies. Our national network includes 4 operational sites in the following locations: Zürich, Geneva, Basle and Tessin.

Our goal is to ensure trust all through the supply chain. We offer an approach of integrated services adapted to the needs of our customers. As your partner, we assist you to build up trust and image in front of your clients and shareholders.

Our structure is organised in 5 business lines operating in widespread and flexible way in order to satisfy our Clients requirements. Businesses are the following: Consumer Testing Services, Industrial Services, Oil Gas & Chemicals Services, Systems & Services Certification and Trade Assurance Services.

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