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International Careers at SKIDATA - Success Stories

15.06.2015 | von Skidata AG - Zentrale

Skidata AG - Zentrale

15.06.2015, Service technicians, project managers and software developers offer support around the world

Time spent abroad is much more than just a point on your résumé. In addition to the challenge an international career presents, SKIDATA employees also appreciate the intercultural working environment at both the headquarters and in our subsidiaries. Because SKIDATA, headquartered in Grödig near Salzburg, is represented in more than 70 countries and works around the globe, there are great opportunities for project leaders, service technicians, software developers and hardware developers, as well as other employees from various departments, to work in another country.

SKIDATA careers: Spanish skills wanted - returning home to Turkey
Thanks to international growth, new branches and subsidiaries are regularly created abroad. Whether assisting with the construction of the new branch or working in an existing team, employees regularly use the chance to work abroad. For example, the project leader of the Vienna branch will be responsible for the Turkish market in the future. He will be returning to his home country and at the same time recruiting employees for the areas of support and service. One employee from the finance department will transfer from Salzburg to Italy for a few months and a sales team member from Spain has moved to South America, where he assists the local sales team in Chile.

Multi-national work in Austria: employees from around the world at SKIDATA in Grödig
SKIDATA employees enjoy an international working environment even in the main office in Grödig: for example, the hardware development team is happy to have support from Spain and our software development department really value their colleague from Slovenia. Interested in working on tasks rich in variety in an international environment? Job openings, jobs and open positions at SKIDATA - including international ones - are regularly posted on

SKIDATA is an international leader in the field of access solutions and their management. Almost 10,000 SKIDATA installations worldwide in ski resorts, shopping centers, major airports, municipalities, sports stadiums, trade shows, and amusement parks provide secure and reliable access and entry control for people and vehicles. SKIDATA places great value in providing solutions that are intuitive, easy to use, and secure. The integrated concepts of SKIDATA solutions help clients optimize performance and maximize profits. SKIDATA Group ( belongs to the publicly traded Swiss Kudelski Group (, a leading provider of digital security solutions.

SKIDATA AG Mag. Belkis Etz Untersbergstrasse 40 5083 Grödig/Salzburg Tel.: +43 6246 888-0 E-Mail:

--- ENDE Pressemitteilung International Careers at SKIDATA - Success Stories ---

Über Skidata AG - Zentrale:
SKIDATA ist immer in Bewegung und dort wo seine Kunden sind. So ist das Salzburger Unternehmen mittlerweile in über 90 Ländern vertreten. Immer neue Impulse setzend, sind SKIDATA Lösungen in immer mehr Marktsegmenten und Geschäftsfelder anzutreffen.

Fast 10.000 SKIDATA Systeme in Skigebieten, Einkaufszentren, Grossflughäfen, Städten, Sportstadien, Messen und Freizeitparks bringen Menschen schnell und sicher in Gebäude und Veranstaltungsorte, ermöglichen die reibungslose Zufahrt von Fahrzeugen und erhöhen so Mobilität, Wohlbefinden und Vergnügen.

SKIDATA Lösungen überzeugen Kunden weltweit mit einfacher, intuitiver Bedienung und hoher Sicherheit. Die ganzheitlichen Konzepte der SKIDATA erhöhen gezielt den Geschäftserfolg der Kunden.

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